The Morphological Characteristic of the Male and Female the Diplocheilichthys pleurotaenia (Cyprinidae) in the Kampar River, Riau, Indonesia

Muhammad Fauzi, Usman M Tang, Indra Junaidi Zakaria, Dahelmi

A study on morphological characteristic of the male and female ofDiplocheilichthys pleurotaenia obtained from River  Kampar has been conducted  in  November  2011  –  August 2013. This study aims to understand the similarity and the differences of the male and female characteristic of the fish that inhabit in the River Kampar. There were 52 fishes of males and 85 fishes of females were examined in this study. Morphological characteristics were examined consisted of 43 characteristics. The research may explain that the morphological characteristics between male and female of  the  fish and  the  types  were  based on its morphology. The morphometric characters were difference between male and female  of  fish  are  Height under linealateralis (TBbl), Width caudal  peduncle  (LBE), Lenght from pelvic fin  to anal fin(JSVSA), Height  dorsal fin (TSD), Height pectoral fin (TSP) and lenght pelvic fin (TSV).